Content Guidelines

1. Legal Compliance

  • Age Verification: All models must be over the age of 18. Proper government-issued identification must be submitted to verify the age of any content creator before they are allowed to work with the agency.

  • Copyright & Ownership: Content shared must be original or properly licensed. The creator must have full rights to the content they post, and any third-party content (like music, videos, or images) must be used with proper authorization.

  • Content Restrictions: Content must not promote illegal activities, including but not limited to pornography involving minors, non-consensual acts, or illegal substances. Any content that violates these laws will result in immediate termination of the creator’s account with the agency.

2. Respectful & Ethical Conduct

  • Consent: All content shared on the platform must be consensual. This includes obtaining explicit consent from all parties involved in any content creation or sharing. Any content that promotes coercion or lack of consent will not be tolerated.

  • Harassment & Bullying: Any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination is strictly prohibited, both in the content and interactions between creators, subscribers, and the agency team.

  • Inclusive Content: Content should be diverse and inclusive, respecting all backgrounds, orientations, and identities. The agency values a variety of creative expressions and encourages a positive and welcoming community.

3. Quality & Professionalism

  • High-Quality Content: The agency encourages creators to submit high-resolution images, videos, and other media. While raw, unedited content is acceptable, it should maintain a level of professionalism and aesthetic quality.

  • Branding: Creators should maintain professionalism in their branding, including usernames, bios, and social media links. Offensive or inappropriate usernames, display names, or bios may result in the removal of content or account suspension.

4. Privacy & Confidentiality

  • Model Privacy: Personal information about models should be kept confidential. No one is permitted to share or disclose private information about a creator without their explicit consent.

  • Subscriber Confidentiality: The agency and its creators must respect the privacy of subscribers and not share subscriber details, preferences, or personal data without explicit consent.

5. No Unauthorized Distribution

  • Sharing of Content: Creators are responsible for ensuring their content is not being shared or distributed without their consent. Unauthorized redistribution or piracy of content is strictly prohibited. The agency will take necessary actions to prevent content theft or unauthorized sharing.

6. Prohibited Content

  • Violence or Abuse: Any content promoting violence, abuse, or exploitation of any kind is strictly prohibited. This includes harmful content involving self-harm, abuse of animals, or any other acts of violence.

  • Explicit & Offensive Material: Content that includes hate speech, offensive gestures, explicit racial or cultural slurs, or discriminatory remarks will not be tolerated.

  • Nudity & Sexual Content: While OnlyFans is a platform for adult content, the agency expects creators to adhere to specific standards for nudity and explicit material, ensuring that content is tasteful and within the platform’s guidelines.

7. Community Engagement

  • Positive Interaction: We encourage creators to engage with their followers and maintain positive communication with their subscribers. Any form of abusive or derogatory language towards subscribers, or other creators, is prohibited.

  • Collaboration: We support collaborations between creators, but all collaborations must be consensual, respectful, and professional. Any collaborative work must comply with agency guidelines.

8. Advertising & Promotions

  • Transparency in Advertising: Any promotional material must clearly identify itself as an advertisement. Creators must disclose any paid partnerships, sponsored content, or affiliate links as per advertising regulations.

  • No Misleading Content: Creators should avoid misleading their audience regarding their content or services. All content and promotional material should accurately reflect what is being offered.

9. Monetization & Subscription

  • Pricing & Revenue Sharing: Pricing should be transparent and in line with industry standards. Creators are responsible for managing their subscription rates, and the agency will maintain a fair and transparent revenue-sharing model.

  • Refunds & Cancellations: Creators and subscribers should adhere to the platform’s refund policies. Clear guidelines will be provided regarding refunds and cancellations of subscriptions, with creators required to follow the established rules.

10. Support and Dispute Resolution

  • Customer Support: Any issues or disputes related to content or interaction on the platform should be reported through the official support channels. The agency will work to resolve disputes professionally and ethically.

  • Model Support: The agency provides guidance and resources to help creators grow their brands, including tips on marketing, content creation, and more. Creators are encouraged to reach out to the agency for support and advice.

Content Policy

Guidelines for user-generated content and copyright ownership.

two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving
Upload Content

Instructions for creators to submit their works.

multicolored hallway
multicolored hallway
man in white crew neck t-shirt sitting beside woman in black and white stripe shirt
man in white crew neck t-shirt sitting beside woman in black and white stripe shirt
smiling woman in black fur coat
smiling woman in black fur coat
Ownership Rights

Details on licensing and ownership of submitted materials.

User Content Policy

Guidelines for user-generated content, including ownership rights and handling of violations.

Content Guidelines

Allowed content types and prohibited materials to ensure a safe community for all users.

woman wearing white and gray striped sleeveless dress smelling the air standing in the pink flower field at daytime
woman wearing white and gray striped sleeveless dress smelling the air standing in the pink flower field at daytime
Upload Process

Instructions for creators on how to upload or share their content effectively on our platform.

We address infringing content promptly, ensuring compliance with our terms and protecting user rights.

Infringement Handling
woman wearing white dress sitting on ground grayscale photo
woman wearing white dress sitting on ground grayscale photo
open book lot
open book lot